Blue Blouse

In post-production
Ana Dumitrescu
122 min (2024)
Feature experimental narrative
Blue Blouse is a film on the border of cinema and artistic experience. It is not a film about rape, but about isolation, silence and the inability to communicate. The majority of films approach the subject with a judiciary or combative approach, like an injunction to the victims to react. The maxim « that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger « has become a social imperative. The victim is expected to be a model of courage, as if courage consisted in the ability to react immediately. There is very little place for the representation of traumatic solitude. This is the angle that Ana Dumitrescu has chosen to tackle a subject she has worked closely on with a first-time actress.
The protagonist, Radia Chabane, a professional dancer, is trapped in her life as she is in the static and aesthetic frames, an aesthetic taken to extremes. The film’s slowness generates unease. The spectators become immersed in the waiting, feeling the anguish of the character. Every bite of bread, every step in the countryside, every movement is almost unbearably heavy. Blue Blouse is an uneasy, uncomfortable work, enclosed in an icy artistic device. It confronts us with the intimate emptiness caused by trauma. In a society in which we debate why rape victims take so long - years, even decades - to speak out, Blue Blouse raises questions about the personal relationship with trauma, about the long, heavy process, about the constant hesitation between living and dying, rising to the surface or remaining prostrate in nothingness.


  • Wide shot, black and white. Gheorghe is alone in the middle of a field, playing his violin.
  • Black and white photograph of Gheorghe in the foreground on the right-hand side of the picture playing the violin on a bench. He is wearing a white t-shirt with black braces. A guitar is drawn on his braces. He is in a park with fallen leaves on the grass. In the background, a street with traffic and communist buildings.
  • Black and white photograph of Gheorghe and Sorina, his wife. Gheroghe is sitting at a table in the courtyard of their house, talking and looking at her. Sorina is standing with her hand on the back of the chair, looking at him.
  • Black and white frontal shot of Gheorghe looking into the camera. He is sitting at a table in the courtyard of his house. In the background, we see the house and a swingset. To the right of the picture and above, there is a vineyard.
  • Black and white photograph of Gheorghe sitting at a table in the courtyard of his house. He is looking at the camera, talking and smiling. His left arm is resting on the table, his right hand is raised.
  • Black and white photograph of Gheorghe sitting on a bench. He is staring into the camera and holding out a photograph of himself playing the violin when he was younger.
  • Close-up black and white photograph of a photograph held out by Gheorghe's right hand. It shows an orchestra and a singer at the time of communism. The left hand is holding other photographs.

Press Kit


directed by Ana Dumitrescu
with Radia Chabane
122 min - Black and White - Scope 2:39 - DCP 4K - Sound 5.1 (sound-mix in progress)
Production: Jules et Films - Romania - 2024
Without dialogues
Filming place: Sapanta, Roumanie, Ukrainian border

© 2024 - Jules et Films SRL - social capital: 315,000 RON (63.000 EUR) - Romanian cinematography registry nr. 1301/08.03.2017

This website is published by :
Jules et Films SRL
SRL with a capital of 315,000 RON (63.000 EUR)
Calea Dumbrăvii, nr.47
Sibiu, Judet Sibiu, România
Com. Reg. J32/1492/2016 - Fiscal Code RO36815161
Romanian cinematography registry nr. 1301/08.03.2017


Responsible for publication :
Ana Dumitrescu, administrator
Jonathan Boissay, administrator

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